Five white flowers Size: 39/39 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.
Green storm Size: 90/120 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors and/or mixed technique, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable) and with picture hangers. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.
Size: 100/100 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable) and with hangers for the painting. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist. -
Dimensiune: 70/50 Versiune: Pictură unică creată pe suport semirigid de pânză pe șasiu (ramă) de lemn Artist: Victoria Grădinar O pictură realizată 100% manual în culori acrylice, waterproof, care acoperă întreaga suprafață , intrados acoperit cu hârtie (după caz) și cu agățătoare pt tablou. Nu include ramă.Tablou cu semnătura artistului. -
Size: 180/100 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable) and with hangers for the painting. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist. -
No limit
Dimensiune: 100/100 Versiune: Pictură unică creată pe suport semirigid de pânză pe șasiu (ramă) de lemn Artist: Victoria Grădinar O pictură realizată 100% manual în culori acrylice, waterproof, care acoperă întreaga suprafață , intrados acoperit cu hârtie (după caz) și cu agățătoare pt tablou. Nu include ramă.Tablou cu semnătura artistului. -
Papaya Size: 44/33 White frame with wood grain look. Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Includes frame. Painting signed by the artist.
Peaceful sides of Victoria’s garden
Size: 50/40x3pcs Version: Unique painting created on a soft support of paper applied to plywood Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable). Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist. -
RED PETALS Size: 58/41 White frame with wood grain look. Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Includes frame. Painting signed by the artist.
Size: 136/100 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable) and with hangers for the painting. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist. -
Size: 100/50 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable) and with hangers for the painting. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist. -
Tablou Flowers Size: 25/30*2pcs Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors and/or mixed technique, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable) and with picture hangers. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.
The lake Size: 50/100 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.
Victoria’s seasons Size: 64 /23 x 4pcs White frame. Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Include frame. Painting signed by the artist.
White Moon Size: 100/30 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.
Yellow Lemon Size: 44/33 White frame with wood grain look. Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Includes frame. Painting signed by the artist.