Size: 70/50 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.  
  • Five white flowers Size: 39/39 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.
  • Green storm Size: 90/120 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors and/or mixed technique, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable) and with picture hangers. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.

    Size: 100/100 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable) and with hangers for the painting. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.

    Dimensiune: 70/50 Versiune: Pictură unică creată pe suport semirigid de pânză pe șasiu (ramă) de lemn Artist: Victoria Grădinar O pictură realizată 100% manual în culori acrylice, waterproof, care acoperă întreaga suprafață , intrados acoperit cu hârtie (după caz) și cu agățătoare pt tablou. Nu include ramă.Tablou cu semnătura artistului.  

    Size: 180/100 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable) and with hangers for the painting. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.  
  • No limit

    Dimensiune: 100/100 Versiune: Pictură unică creată pe suport semirigid de pânză pe șasiu (ramă) de lemn Artist: Victoria Grădinar O pictură realizată 100% manual în culori acrylice, waterproof, care acoperă întreaga suprafață , intrados acoperit cu hârtie (după caz) și cu agățătoare pt tablou. Nu include ramă.Tablou cu semnătura artistului.  
  • Papaya Size: 44/33 White frame with wood grain look. Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Includes frame. Painting signed by the artist.
  •  Peaceful sides of Victoria’s garden

    Size: 50/40x3pcs Version: Unique painting created on a soft support of paper applied to plywood Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable). Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.
  • RED PETALS Size: 58/41 White frame with wood grain look. Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Includes frame. Painting signed by the artist.

    Size: 136/100 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable) and with hangers for the painting. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.  

    Size: 100/50 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable) and with hangers for the painting. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.  
  • Tablou Flowers Size: 25/30*2pcs Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors and/or mixed technique, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit covered with paper (if applicable) and with picture hangers. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.
  • The lake Size: 50/100 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.
  • Victoria’s seasons Size: 64 /23 x 4pcs White frame. Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Include frame. Painting signed by the artist.
  • White Moon Size: 100/30 Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Does not include frame. Painting signed by the artist.
  • Yellow Lemon Size: 44/33 White frame with wood grain look. Version: Unique painting created on semi-rigid canvas support on wooden chassis (frame). Artist: Victoria Grădinar A painting made 100% by hand in acrylic colors, waterproof, covering the entire surface, soffit with picture hangers. Includes frame. Painting signed by the artist.


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